2016 Artisan Home Tour – Gordon James Home is #1 in Revisits!

The 2016 Artisan Home Tour

The 2016 Artisan Home Tour is complete and Gordon James is proud to have been the 3rd most visited home out of 29 homes on the Tour and was the #1 most revisited home!

Almost 2,300 people toured our home during the three-weekend event and we loved what we heard from our visitors.  Here’s just a sample of the feedback:

“We loved how the wall to the sunroom totally opened up to the home. Amazing!”

“Best home yet. Such a warm and cozy feeling inside and out.”

“Builder was great, ask him about the glass backsplash in the kitchen!”

“Absolutely LOVE the openness of the main floor.  So great for entertaining!”

“Love that huge pantry!”

Thanks to the entire Gordon James team and our excellent subcontractors for the outstanding craftsmanship represented in this home.  And thanks to Grace Hill Design for the beautiful finishing touches and staging.

We were delighted to host a private Open House during the Artisan Tour.   Guests toured the home and gathered to enjoy wine and hors-d’oeuvres while being serenaded by guitar music.

Be on the look out this Fall for the sneak preview of our 2017 Tour Home.   Plans are already underway!Thanks to our generous sponsors, Cambria and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage for their generosity and help in making this event a success!

Subcontractors who worked on the home had the opportunity to join us for an Appreciation Luncheon. Each trade works on the home at different points in the construction process, often never seeing the completed home. We enjoyed the reactions as they viewed the gorgeous culmination of their collective efforts.

Be on the look out this Fall for the sneak preview of our 2017 Tour Home.   Plans are already underway!