Gordon James

Gordon James
Matching Materials To Your Custom Home’s Aesthetic

After creating a unique home that represents the lifestyle and priorities of your family, it is important to consider the specific materials needed in order to enhance the aura of your home. Each item – big or small – can either detract from or add value to the presence and strength of your house. In order to select the perfect materials for your home, you need to ensure that they have a clear purpose, add significant meaning to your home as a whole, and can highlight your home’s aesthetic in every season. Read on for advice on coordinating materials within your home to create visually-appealing spaces.


Great room in custom built in Twin Cities, MN

Purposeful Materials

Why are you choosing certain materials? Do each of them have a specific purpose, or are you just filling empty space? Make sure your intent for each piece is clear, and that every item is necessary and meaningful to your home. Evaluate the design of each room and only consider materials that will enhance your house’s aesthetic. In addition to adding physical appeal, ensure that the materials chosen are consistent with the ambiance and personality of each room. The mood your items exude is just as essential as their attractiveness..



Consistently Adding Value

How do you ensure your materials add value to your home? You want materials that are unique, high-quality, and suit your home’s personality. In other words, it is important to make sure your materials are distinct from other pieces, have proven durability, and are relevant to your home’s style. Adding consistent value in this way will raise your home’s significance because your thought and care will be evident within each material.


 Kitchen and dining room built in custom home in Twin Cities, MNVersatility that Accentuates Your Home

Materials should stand strong throughout the different seasons of life – both physical and familial. That is, you should choose materials that enhance the beauty and warmth of your home year-round, as well as comfort throughout your family’s highs and lows. Items that are functional and simultaneously accentuate the most important features of your home are clear winners. Aspects such as complementary colors, consistent shapes and structures, and pieces that communicate quality as well as family values are all essential considerations. Ensure that the chosen materials can play many different roles and suit your home’s specific personality.


Master bedroom built in custom home in Twin Cities, MN


A material’s intangible elements are just as important as its visual components; the feelings an item evokes determines its value to the home just as much as the physical features. Every item contributes something – positive or negative – to the room’s intended ambiance. Remember: when evaluating materials to place in your home, consider whether the materials enhance or devalue the mood of a room. Choose items that stand the test of time, offer a charming presence throughout life changes, add value to your home, and serve their intended purpose. If you would like more advice on matching materials, contact us at info@gordon-james.com or call (763) 479-3117.