Why is Interior Home Design Important?

The home design process isn’t finished when you have identified the distinct rooms in your house and their purposes. Don’t simply throw together details for each room, put effort into the details. These details can make all the difference in the effectiveness of each room’s presence in your home design. Gordon James looks at how to get those details just right to make the perfect space below. 

A living room in a custom Gordon James home featuring exquisite interior home design.

Physical appeal

The physical elements of any room are important in creating a mood and establishing comfort within the living quarters. Aspects such as size, texture, color, and the feelings that they evoke should be carefully considered. For example, the colors of small items should be complementary to the room. In addition, items with shapes and sizes that contribute to the intended structure of the room can add value to the room. Physical components should offer high quality and endurance. Examples of these are throw pillows with bright colors or picture frames with geometric patterns. They should also strike a balance of being contrasting and complimentary. This all adds to the overall home design. 

An excellent example of interior home design in a bedroom of a Gordon James home.


Deliberate interior home design

In order to bring out the best, each detail should be a deliberate decision. Aspects chosen should not be uniform across all rooms. Rather, each room’s minute features should be specific and authentic, highlighting a unique aesthetic. Additionally, the details should acknowledge and emphasize the personality of each room.

Atmospheric balance 

The details of a room should not only balance well with each other, but they should also balance with the other features within the home as a whole. Instead of trying to establish strong focal points within each room, it is important to make sure the details flow well together and don’t detract from the intended purpose of the room. Overall, the elements should contribute to the particular rhythm of the room and allow a person to feel at ease and at comfort. 

Interior home design pulling a space together in a Gordon James custom home kitchen.     


The reason behind a detail is just as essential as its physical features. In order to create a room that communicates its purpose well, it is necessary to consider how space will be used within the home and to ensure a consistent flow from room to room. Remember: the small details can make the biggest difference! For more information, contact us at info@gordon-james.com or call (763) 479-3117 today.